Textbook Amy Krouse Rosenthal by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Textbook is so many things, including a cute play on words. I've never read anything quite like it and maybe because I am such a fan of AKR's writing, I loved all of it.
I bought this book shortly before the author died and finished it after attending a celebration of her life in Chicago, which may explain why it was so very moving to me to read her last work.
I recommend reading Textbook with your phone in hand, and please follow all the text prompts and links. Especially, listen to the soundtrack while reading her end notes and keep tissues handy.
I'm sad this book isn't more popular and sadder that Amy's voice is gone from this world. She left us a lovely and inspirational goodbye letter.
I bought this book shortly before the author died and finished it after attending a celebration of her life in Chicago, which may explain why it was so very moving to me to read her last work.
I recommend reading Textbook with your phone in hand, and please follow all the text prompts and links. Especially, listen to the soundtrack while reading her end notes and keep tissues handy.
I'm sad this book isn't more popular and sadder that Amy's voice is gone from this world. She left us a lovely and inspirational goodbye letter.

It's been a long time since I've read a Stephen King novel, and I had forgotten what a fantastic writer and story teller he is. I enjoyed this book much more than I expected, and was sorry to see it end. It is a fine twist on the time travel genre, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it translates to film with J.J. Abrams at the helm. Highly recommended, especially for a vacation read, as it is almost 900 pages.

Great read, crazy plot, fast pacing, believable characters, and an interesting spin on the time travel genre. I read it in a day and was certain the movie rights must be optioned, and was happy to see they were.
A very slight, but very well written creepy short story that kept me guessing all the way through.

Sleeping Giants was on the top of my wish list and I finally bought it when the kindle price dropped. I'm glad I didn't pay full price because I was left wishing for a better book. I really love the plot premise, and enjoyed the first few chapters, but the interview format of the book became a frustrating distraction, as did the character motivations and plot plausibility. I finished the book and am curious how the sequel will unfold, but won't rush to buy it.
I really enjoy reading science fiction and character driven plots, but it was hard to invest in these often flat characters given the sparse format to get acquainted with them. Contact, The Martian, World War Z and almost everything Michael Crighton wrote are among my favorites, and the comparisons and hype fall a bit short for me. I was left feeling this book was a great concept that needed to be much better written.
I really enjoy reading science fiction and character driven plots, but it was hard to invest in these often flat characters given the sparse format to get acquainted with them. Contact, The Martian, World War Z and almost everything Michael Crighton wrote are among my favorites, and the comparisons and hype fall a bit short for me. I was left feeling this book was a great concept that needed to be much better written.

Page turning mystery, great characters and pacing. Written by a screenwriter, well done.