Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Next?

LibraryThing lets me see the cover of every book in my library, and lets me sort them by tags. My To Be Read Pile is over 250 now. I realize that is a ridiculous number of unread books to have laying around, and I blame the used book sale I chaired for the elementary school for most of them. It's very hard to resist a paperback for 50 cents. I'm trying to stay away from Goodwill and limit my kindle downloads, but it's very hard to resist free books. But too many choices is never a good thing. I've started several dozen of them, but the timing was not right. With me and my books, timing is everything.

I scrolled through the covers today and half of them jump out as prospects for my next good read. I keep shuffling Poisonwood Bible to the top of the pile, but am not ready to commit yet. It's time to commit to something though, starting the third week of the new year, and not a book read yet.